I'll preface this review by saying I won this book from a Goodreads Giveaway but I have in no way been compensated for this review. Now, for my opinion. When I read the blurb about this book I was very excited. It read like a 1970's throw back horror book. The first 70 pages went by like a blur and I stayed very interested. But then it started to drag, it became a continuous repetitious chase with not much going on. As short as the book is, it didn't give much room to flesh out the characters, and certainly not enough room to explore the Mama character and her other dimension. Without that extra bit of imagery, the climax of the story seemed to come from left field like someone pushing through a case of writers block against a deadline. I also could have done without some of the coarse language which I felt didn't flow with the story and wasn't justified. So, to sum up, it was a great idea but it just didn't live up to my expectations.