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The Queen of Grass and Tree (Southwind Knights #2)
B.E. Priest
Progress: 22 %
The Opal
Michael Siemsen

Flashpoint World Of Flashpoint Batman TP

Flashpoint: The World of Flashpoint Featuring Batman - Brian Azzarello, J.T. Krul, Jimmy Palmiotti, Peter Milligan, Eduardo Risso, Mikel Janin, Joe Bennett, George Pérez, Fernando Blanco, Scott Koblish, John Dell I won this book from Goodreads. I have not been compensated for the review.
I haven't followed comics in a while but thought this storyline was worthy of attention. As my star rating says, it was OK. I prefer a little more substance to my stories now I suppose. I look for more than the nearly naked women and the gratuitous violence, so I guess I'm not right for this genre anymore.