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The Queen of Grass and Tree (Southwind Knights #2)
B.E. Priest
Progress: 22 %
The Opal
Michael Siemsen

The Ocean at the End of the Lane: A Novel

The Ocean at the End of the Lane: A Novel - Neil Gaiman, Neil Gaiman This is a truly great story. It pulls you end from the start and never let's you go. Usually I can't stand a book in the first person but this was perfect is of the form. I read this in the way everyone should read it, in one sitting. Find a quiet place, a comfortable chair and be immersed. Usually after I have read a book, it's just another number but this one will be read and read again. Only Stephen Kings Eyes of the Dragon has pulled me in so far as this story did. I won't sleep for a while tonight, not from fright, but from reflection.